Our Constellation

The Near Equatorial Orbit (NEqO) Constellation

ST Engineering Geo-Insights Pte. Ltd. (Geo-Insights) is the exclusive provider of satellite imagery and data analytics services for these NEqO constellation satellites; TeLEOS-1, DS-EO, NeuSAR, TeLEOS-2 and DS-SAR.
The NEqO Multi-Modal Imaging Constellation will allow clients to image the equatorial region utilizing high revisit and high-resolution Optical and SAR satellites.



In a collaborative effort, ST Engineering and the Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) have jointly acquired DS-EO from Satrec Initiative which was launched on 30 June 2022.
The satellite carries an optical multi-spectral payload with up to 50cm imaging resolution capability. Operating at an orbit inclination of 10 degrees, DS-EO provides up to 6 daylight imaging opportunities in the equatorial region.

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    Designed and developed by DSO National Laboratories (DSO) and operated by ST Engineering along with local space research partners and international industry partners, NeuSAR is supported by Singapore’s national space office, the Office for Space Technology & Industry, Singapore (OSTIn) Launched on 30 June 2022, NeuSAR Is part of Singapore’s Near Equatorial Orbit Constellation and the World’s first fully polarimetric small Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite offering all-weather day-and-night imaging with up to 2m high resolution, capturing insights in the equatorial region.

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